Financial Consulting

When your business is developing rapidly, not all business units grow at the same rate. If you run low on information when making decisions, constantly encounter cash shortfalls, are not sure that all company resources are being used efficiently, or have lost control over your procurement process, we are ready to back you up and significantly strengthen the financial function of your business rapidly.

Our consultants have in-depth knowledge and extensive experience to:

  1. Analyse the current state and methodology of management accounting, identify its vulnerabilities and give recommendations for its improvement in order to synchronise internal reporting with the owners’ plans for the business.
  2. Build a system of management accounting and reporting from scratch, taking into account all the specifics of your company’s business processes in the context of the best global practices and maximum compliance with IFRS.
  3. Develop a methodology for calculating product (service, work) costs based on the best international practice in various industries.
  4. Analyse the structure of business costs and the factors affecting their value focusing on the best indicators across the industry and/or the function.
  5. Offer options for managing and reducing costs, taking into account the company’s strategy and long-term plans.
  6. Develop and support the implementation of cost monitoring systems that will systematically analyse the reasonableness of specific operational costs.
  7. Build the financial model of your business, identify key performance indicators, and develop a methodology for their calculation and tracking. Formulate recommendations on changes in the system of senior staff motivation.
  8. Set up a planning and budgeting system and develop a plan-fact analysis methodology.
  9. Analyse the cash management system (debt management, cash inflow/outflow planning, payment authorization system, etc.).
  10. Develop recommendations for managing the company’s liquidity, including a liquidity forecasting system (in conjunction with a system for planning and budgeting income and expenses), a procedure for working in the financial market to attract and allocate financial resources, and prepare in-house regulations.
  11. Conduct analysis of the company’s financial risks and elaborate recommendations for their hedging strategy, as well as an accounting procedure for such operations.
  12. Analyse the current capital structure, assess the risks associated with it, and make recommendations
Андрей Орлов Руководитель практики финансового консалтинга
Andrey Orlov Head of Financial Consulting Section